What is a Ragdoll?
Developed by Riverside, Calif., breeder Ann Baker during the 1960s, Ragdoll cats are known for their blue eyes and soft, silky color point coat. They are called Ragdolls for their laid-back nature and tendency to flop, or go limp, when picked up. The Ragdoll breed is also well known for its affectionate nature and good temperament. They are descended from a white long-haired Angora cat named Josephine, who was bred with a Birman cat, also known as the “Sacred Cat of Burma.” The first official Ragdoll kittens were registered in 1965. In 2018, Ragdolls were named the most popular breed of the year by Cat Fancier’s Association (CFA).
Welcoming your kitten home
Your kitten will want nothing more than to be with you and near you. If you have curtains, tie them up. A kitty condo or a scratching post is a must. A designated area with their food, water. Another designated area for toys, kitty condo and/or scratching post is also great. I hope you enjoy your new family member as much as I enjoy mine!! Ragdoll kittens are the absolute best!! Thank you for selecting me as your breeder!!
What do I feed my new kitten?
When you first arrive home, please use the dry kitten food in the bag I gave you. Then slowly mix it with your own preferred brand 75/100, 50/50, 25/75 etc. Per my Vet, food should be transitioned over 4 days. It can take them a day to really eat or drink. Do not worry. They are adjusting.
FOOD (Dry, Adult and Kitten): I prefer IAMS ProActive Health Healthy Adult Original with Chicken Dry Cat food. I purchase this from Petco or Chewy.com. This food is high on protien and good ingredients that yes, even the kittens can eat it and they get all the nutrition they need. Read and follow the ingredients. For my environment of adult cats and kittens, my Adult cats cannot eat Kitten food which is high on fat.
FOOD (wet): Try a variety of brands and treats. The more types of food you introduce them to, the more their palate will enjoy. It can make them healthy, good eaters with a large appetite for different foods.
How do I litter box train my kitten?
Your Kitten will be litter box trained when they go home. However, take them to the litter box a few times for the first day or two to ensure they know how to find the litter box in your big new home. I mostly use Tidy Cats Naturally Strong clumping clay litter, unscented, natural. Do not try anything different such as pellets, corn or grass seed litter. After they are well adjusted, feel free to switch from a clumping clay to any litter you prefer.
How old are the kittens when they go home?
Typically, 8 weeks old. On occasion, I may hold the Kitten a few extra days for additional litter box training or if I feel that need to be a little larger before they go home. This is rare, but you will thank me and I always want what is best for the Kittens. 😊
Do the kittens have any vaccines when they go home?
Yes. The Kitten will have all age appropriate vaccines when they go home. At 7 weeks old, I administer the Feline Rhinotra/Calici/Panleuk (also known as distemper), all in one vaccine. I use a killed virus which is more conservative than a live virus. You will be given a Vaccine Record to continue the series with your Veterinarian for an additional 2 vaccines (or total of 3). Do not Vaccinate for FIP. If you do, your health guarantee is void. Do not vaccinate for leukemia unless you pick up strays or have questionable Cats in your home. DO NOT ALLOW MULTIPLE VACCINES ON THE SAME DAY!! Always try to find a Veterinarian that use only killed vaccines as Ragdolls can have shot reactions and worse, using modified or live vaccines. Your Veterinarian will advise you the proper age for Rabies vaccine.
What is your pricing/rehoming fee for a kitten?
See Terms of Deposit, Purchase Agreement and Health Guarantee (Deposits tab) for current pricing.
What kind of food do you feed your kittens?
Karey’s and Bridget’s Kittens and Adult Cats prefer IAMS ProActive Health Healthy Adult Original with Chicken Dry Cat food. We give you a small bag of the food we feed them. You can use that to slowly transition to your own preferred brand. For wet food, we give them a variety ranging from Wellness CORE, Weruva, Nutro, Whole Hearted Grain free and many more. The more brands and treats your introduce your Kitten to at a young age, they will be less picky and have a good appetite for a variety of foods.
How often do you feed your kittens/cats?
I leave dry food/kibble out 24/7 in automatic feeders. I feed them wet food regularly. Sometimes daily or sometimes a couple times a week. It varies. Wet food is a good source of protein, especially as your kitten grows. If you spoil them too much with wet food, they may reject the dry.
What food do you feed your kittens/adult cats?
Karey’s and Bridget’s Kittens and Adult Cats prefer IAMS ProActive Health Healthy Adult Original with Chicken Dry Cat food. We give you a small bag of the food we feed them. You can use that to slowly transition to your own preferred brand. For wet food, we give them a variety ranging from Wellness CORE, Weruva, Nutro, Whole Hearted Grain free and many more. The more brands and treats your introduce your Kitten to at a young age, they will be less picky and have a good appetite for a variety of foods.
What kind of litter do you use?
For the Kittens Karey and Bridget use Arm and Hammer litter from Petco or Chewy.com. Any clay clumping litter is fine.
Any tips for litter box training when I take my kitten home?
Your kitten will be litter box trained. However, take them to the litter box a few times for the first day or two to ensure they know how to find the litter box in your big new home.
Any tips for welcoming the kitten to its new home?
Your kitten will want nothing more than to be with you and near you. If you have curtains, tie them up. A kitty condo is a plus, a scratching post is a must. A play pen area is nice to have with their food, water or toys. That can be their special designated area where they feel safe with everything they need.
Do you test your Breeder Cats for HCM (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy)?
Yes, all of our Breeder cats have tested negative for HCM and much more as listed in Section 12, entitled Guarantee, on the Deposits tab/Purchase Agreement.
Do I need to bathe my kitten/cat regularly?
No. it is not necessary to bathe your Cat. Your Cat should groom themselves regularly. On occasion I perform a sanitary cut around their privates if the fur is really long. Regular bathes is not required but regular grooming is. I brush my cats regularly and sometimes spray them with a conditioner or deodorizing and hydrating cologne.
How often to you trim the cat's nails?
I trim my cat’s nails regularly, about every 4-6 weeks. I use basic nail cutters (smaller size) that you would use to trim your own children’s nails. I will cut your kitten’s nails before they go home and typically, they are also bathed if needed the night before they go home. Simply put, I want them perfect for you when they go home. 😊
What do your clients receive when the kitten goes home?
I prepare a gift bag for all my clients. The bags typically includes a toy feather to chase, a couple small toys (foil ball and toy bell balls), your kitten’s vaccine record, a small Ziploc bag of the current kitten food that your Ragdoll has been eating, a small can of the wet food, and a treat or snack. My goal is to make the transition from my home to yours as smooth as possible. If your kitten is picked up from Bridget, she will have a similar bag.
Should I bring a pet carrier to secure the kitten on the drive home?
Yes. A Portable Pet Carrier is a great idea to make the kitten feel safe and secure, although I have been told by many clients the husband drove and they held the kitten on their lap the entire drive. Instant love and bonding. 😊
Do you offer a Stud Service?
For the safety of our Breeder cats and our Kittens we do noy offer stud services.
Do your kittens have exposure to other dogs and kids?
Yes. Both Karey and Bridget have dogs (small petting zoo’s lol). The Kittens get exposure to other pets in our households and guests and visitors love to enjoy playtime with the Kittens. While my son is now grown, we still have a busy home, with lots of visitors, nieces, nephew, toddlers and the kittens are the star of the show. 😊 Bridget also has a small petting zoo of Dogs, Guinea pigs and more. The Kitten are well acclimated and her get tons of exposure and handling from her 5 year old daughter 🙂
If I have another cat (boy or girl) do you recommend I get the same sex or different?
I genuinely believe, it does not matter. The Ragdoll breed is so amazing. It will be up to your older cat to accept the kitten when he/she is ready. It may take a week, or it may take up to 8 weeks. But eventually, they will be buddies.
If I get 2 kittens from the same litter, will they bond with me less because they have each other as litter mates?
They will bond with you equally as much if you get 1 or 2 kittens. The Ragdoll breed loves human interaction. They will both be fighting for your attention. And at the same time, they will have their litter mate for comfort. I believe when they go to a new home with a sibling, it likely makes the transition to a little easier because they have a buddy/sibling with them, when you leave the home or go to work. And on the flipside, it is not necessary to buy them in pairs. However, watch this video by the Kitten Lady to learn why 2 Kittens are better than 1.
Great information!!
Two Kittens Are Better Than One (Why to Adopt a Pair!) – YouTube
Are Ragdoll cats hypoallergenic?
No. Ragdoll cats are not hypoallergenic but they are the closest thing to a hypoallergenic cat you can get since they do not have an undercoat. They do not have dander. The fur is like that of a bunny rabbit, so those that are typically allergic to cats are not allergic to Ragdolls. I sold one to my best friend of 30+ years because her husband is allergic and he had no issues! Two of my family members also have irritations from cats such as itchy red eyes, runny nose etc., and when they visit me, and interact with my cats, they have no issues.
Is the temperament of a male Ragdoll better than a girl?
There is a stigma out there, where the boy Ragdoll is more loving or more chill than a girl. I have 4 girls and one boy. My boy is amazing and chill but my girls are equally amazing and chill. Each of my cats is so different from the other. One is a leader, another a follower, one is the queen B, one is more of a nurturer and caretaker, one likes to give kisses, one likes their belly rubbed, one is picky about wet food, one likes to sleep with me and one likes to sleep with my son. My point being, just like our children, they all have different personality traits. The one item that does vary, and this is more factual, the male Ragdoll is often, but not always, larger than the female. Sometimes up to 5 lbs. But I’ve also seen female Ragdolls get absolutely huge. Like anything, it varies. But what I do know, and this is factual (Lol) these are the best cats in the universe. Their dog-like personality, beautiful blue eyes, luxurious coat and unconditional love they provide us, is like no other.